Tech ThursdAI: Revolutionizing Cold Calling and Sales Training with Nooks

It's Tech ThursdAI, where we explore sales tech tools and share our findings. Nooks has us hooked!

September 12, 2024

By Zoey Weinstein

The growing demand for prospect outreach is constantly testing the bandwidth of your sales team. Administrative tasks often prevent teams from focusing on high-impact activities and relationship-building. Enter Nooks—an AI-powered parallel dialer and virtual salesfloor that bolsters efficiency and productivity for sales development representative (SDR) and business development representative (BDR) teams.

Operating at the top and middle of the sales funnel, Nooks promises to “double your pipeline without doubling your team.” Two of Nooks’ products leverage AI technology to improve outreach and communication for sales professionals. Here at Maestro Group, we’re fans of tools that can streamline your workflow. That’s why we’re excited about Nooks. It allows teams the time they need to hone their skillset and foster genuine connections.

Product: AI Dialer

The AI Dialer transforms the cold-calling process by automating repetitive tasks. It skips answering machines and ringing. It also automatically logs calls and takes notes. The platform features a dashboard that provides a comprehensive view of your accounts and prospects. This includes AI-generated insights into a prospect’s background, as well as valuable pre-call research. Embedded LinkedIn profiles let you see your prospect’s professional history and network without leaving the dashboard.

Users can also access AI-generated notes from previous calls so they are prepared for follow-up conversations. The Nooks Dialer detects spam and voice integrity, ensuring genuine and productive connections. Custom Salesforce fields let users track and manage sales data, monitor metrics, and make informed decisions. 

Product: AI Training

Nooks’ AI Training (currently in beta) uses AI tracking to help sales professionals practice and roleplay using real client data. It will assist your team in handling objections, as well as creating cadences, talk tracks, and pitches.

The software builds training modules based on actual prospects from your database. It creates live demo calls using your data so that you can practice handling real objections. Now you can train your sales team on realistic interactions rather than giving them hypothetical scenarios. While the software is still in beta, you can go ahead and book a demo here

Nooks positions itself as a revolutionary solution in a rapidly evolving landscape. It streamlines the cold calling process and provides training based on your client data. Nooks allows your team to focus on high-impact activities and improve the quality of their interactions. 

Try out Nooks for yourself and let us know what you think at