January 26, 2022
The B-O-L-D recipe calls for Balance, Openness, Levity, and Daring. Habaneros optional.
December 22, 2021
This month’s latest is about hybrid workforces and shifting customer assumptions.
November 23, 2021
Should you feel bad if you don’t feel 100% positive going into Thanksgiving? No. Does being positive mean you should aim to get rid of any negative thoughts? No. Should you have another piece of pie? Always.
November 17, 2021
This month’s news is all about the psychology of positivity.
November 10, 2021
We’re digging into what positive psychology can tell us about creating a workplace culture that fosters productivity, creativity, and happiness. It all starts with a HERO.
November 03, 2021
Did you know there were three kinds of happiness? Martin Seligman’s theory of positive psychology encourages us to reach for a life that is pleasant, engaged, and meaningful.
September 22, 2021
Teach new hires the secret handshake. Meet’em at the water cooler. Whatever it takes, help them feel not only included, but embedded.
September 15, 2021
When you onboard new customers, you want them to have the best experience. Why aren’t you using the same approach when it comes to new hires?
September 01, 2021
When someone joins your team, make their welcome swift, open, and warm to increase the likelihood that they’ll stay. (In other words, get that tote bag and mug in the mail.)
June 30, 2021
Is there a secret to building high-performance sales teams that can be solved by emotional intelligence?