March 23, 2022
Once you’re familiar with a concept, it can feel like that concept should come easily to everyone. Not true. Cut it out with the acronyms already.
March 09, 2022
An anchoring bias makes it nearly impossible to look at something fresh. But you have to free yourself from it, whatever it takes–a second opinion, a red team–because otherwise you’ll drown.
March 02, 2022
Have you ever gone in for a pound, even after you realized that first penny was badly spent?
February 23, 2022
This is the professional version of “Show up when you say you will, show up regularly, and show you give a damn.”
February 09, 2022
We share the “big three” factors that contribute to trust–you can probably guess them–and one that will probably surprise you. Then genetics tries to crash the party.
February 02, 2022
Even the professionals who study trust have a difficult time telling us what it is. Some measures of trust take place in milliseconds; others build over months.
January 26, 2022
The B-O-L-D recipe calls for Balance, Openness, Levity, and Daring. Habaneros optional.