June 07, 2023
Whether you are trying to lead a team, fit into one, or searching for one to join, two things are always needed. You must be intentional and willing to grow. So how do you make sure you hold yourself and those around you accountable?
May 24, 2023
How one person’s rabbit is another person’s duck—and other mysteries of how our brains decide, persuade, and change.
May 17, 2023
This week we speak with Will about resilience—What is it? Why is it so important in sales? And how can we work on gaining more?
May 10, 2023
Everyone experiences rejection. Let’s talk about turning “feeling crushed” into “crushing it.”
May 03, 2023
For the next three weeks, we’ll dig into the idea of resilience—who has it, how we talk about it, and how we can gain more.
January 04, 2023
New Year’s resolutions operate under the guise that with the turn of an arbitrary date, new powers enter the world that will change our nature. Humans, however, are not creatures of change.
December 28, 2022
All this month, I’ve described unexpected intersections between poetry and sales. But I haven’t written a sales poem…until today.
December 14, 2022
Borrowing from 1920s Paris, this how-to offers a playful, collaborative, creative-writing icebreaker game.
December 07, 2022
So much depends on listening to a grasshopper, in the rain, while sitting in a red wheelbarrow. Just trust us.
November 02, 2022
Beware the Geysers, Extra Extra Experts, and Flexible Faders of the world.