Results for Tag: Psychology

Confessions of a Recovering Overtalker

Sandra Beasley

July 12, 2023

To wade, or to dive deep? Know the conversational waters before you go all in.

Just Looking for a Little Cognitive Empathy

Rachel Smith

May 31, 2023

You’ve probably been responding to those who disagree with you in the exact opposite way of how you should be. When debate doesn’t work, and your “convincing” data hits a brick wall, what’s the alternative?

This Is Your Mind on Epiphany

Sandra Beasley

May 24, 2023

How one person’s rabbit is another person’s duck—and other mysteries of how our brains decide, persuade, and change.

Using Rejection to Cultivate Sales Resilience

Sandra Beasley

May 10, 2023

Everyone experiences rejection. Let’s talk about turning “feeling crushed” into “crushing it.”

How Buyer Resilience Impacts the Sale

Adam Rosa

May 03, 2023

For the next three weeks, we’ll dig into the idea of resilience—who has it, how we talk about it, and how we can gain more.

Personality Testing—the Good, the Bad, and the Drug-Induced

Rachel Smith

January 25, 2023

Personality characteristics can only predict about 20 percent of behavior. That’s because most people act different ways in different situations.

All an Illusion

Rachel Smith

January 18, 2023

Small simile update: our brain’s visual system is less “like a camera” and more like a card-counting, crystal-ball-wielding stoner who’s high on mushrooms.

Forget Everything You Thought You Knew About the Brain

Rachel Smith

January 11, 2023

The brain is a strange, complex structure with one critical role: allostasis. We don’t fully understand them, but having one is a serious upgrade from the “stomach on a stick” phase.