Results for Tag: Writing


Sandra Beasley

March 06, 2024

“It’s quicker, easier, and involves less licking.” (Douglas Adams)

Creative Content and Sales in the Age of AI

Sandra Beasley

August 02, 2023

For working artists, writers, and designers, the increasing use of AI and ChatGPT can feel like a battle of “human versus machine.”

How Can You Use AI in Your Sales Process?

Rachel Smith

July 26, 2023

Let’s face it. AI is better at combing through mounds of data. How can sales professionals get AI to work for them?

Confessions of a Recovering Overtalker

Sandra Beasley

July 12, 2023

To wade, or to dive deep? Know the conversational waters before you go all in.

Invention, Intention, and a Little Introspection

Adam Rosa

July 05, 2023

Your interactions with your coworkers will improve when you go beyond thinking about their actions to also consider their intentions. Think about how others could be interpreting your actions as well.

Why You Can’t Trust Your Thesaurus

Sandra Beasley

June 28, 2023

“Managing,” “coaching,” and “mentoring,” aren’t simply synonyms for one another. Understand their differences and know which mode to choose in the moment.

Eating Our Own Dog Food

Rachel Smith

April 19, 2023

This week we’ll be sharing exactly what we saw when our web designers forced us to look in the mirror.