June 01, 2022
Communication has evolved. We, as humans, however, have not. The brain that interpreted symbols on cave walls is the same one interpreting emojis and LOLs.
May 25, 2022
We reveal the secrets to making a “spiffy” first impression (one that isn’t about leopard-print bow-ties, stiletto heels, or gilded business cards), go-to conversation starters, and how to follow up.
May 11, 2022
So you’ve honed your message and identified prospects? Congrats. Keep going with pre-drafted cadences, ready-to-go gifts, and deconflicting strategies.
May 04, 2022
The decisions that lie ahead are a lot more complex than whether to hug, shake hands, or bump elbows.
October 13, 2021
They aren’t eight-legged, fanged, fuzzy, or furry. From constant price negotiations to negative body language, learn what signs you really need to watch out for.
October 06, 2021
That prospect with whom you had such a great first discovery call but hasn’t returned an email or a call since? Not going to close. Sluice your CRM clean.
July 14, 2021
The greatest risk in sales is a lack of information. Starting with your discovery call, learn how to make the right moves.
July 07, 2021
Whether a goalkeeper, a Man in Black, a mathematician, or a salesperson with a Monday-morning call list, strategies of game theory will come in handy.
January 13, 2021
Too many choices, not enough choices–customers are like Goldilocks. They want a set of choices that feels just right.
December 23, 2020
If a deal is slowing down, it’s a great time to gift—and show prospects you care.